Catch of the Day

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A group of humpback whales use the bubble-net feeding technique to catch baitfish near Chiswell Islands in Alaska’s Kenai Fjords, Resurrection Bay

Paper Prints

Paper prints are typically shipped via U.S. Priority Mail within 2-3 days of receiving order. Matted 5x7 and Matted 8x10 photos have a Navy Blue top mat and the inner mat varies depending on the photo colors. The Matted 5x7 fits a standard 8x10 frame, and the Matted 8x10 fits a standard 11x14 frame. 11x17 paper prints come as a print-only in a clear plastic sleeve on a white foam board, while larger paper prints come rolled in a tube.

Metal Prints

METAL PRINT are drop shipped via UPS Ground or FedEx Ground.  Turnaround time varies but please allow 3-to-4 weeks. Tracking #’s will be emailed to you the second your order is shipped.  Our metal prints are created by dye-sublimation in a heat press where the inks are infused onto specially-coated aluminum and sealed with a gemlike UV coating. They are water, scratch & UV resistant and the archival quality is out of this world (think many decades).

100% Satisfaction Guarantee Policy

If you ever have issues with our product or shipping, please let us know so we can make it right.


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